







- w o r k s h o p _ m a t e r i a l s
- web, literature, newspaper articles
- workshop introduction
- AWAY IS A PLACE. art approaching local resistance against global injustice
- Thursday July 21, 2011
- Nicolas Bourriaud: Relational Aesthetics, 1998
- Grant Kester: Community and Conversation in Modern Art, 2004
- Marco Scotini: Towards a "modern" genealogy of the many
- xz.gif.ru/numbers/digest-2005-2007/genealogy-of-the-many (06/09/2011)
- lecture
- Aesthetics of Sustainabilty. art interventions beyond green
- Friday, July 22, 2011
- Wangari Maathai, Green Belt Movement in Kenya: The Cracked Mirror,
- Resurgence Magazine, 2004
- www.greenbeltmovement.org (06/09/2011)
- Carlo McCormick, Marc and Sara Schiller, Ethel Seno Trespass:
- A history of uncommissioned urban art, 2010
- Artists and projects
- Linda Weintraub, Skip Schuckmann: Avant-Guardians, textlets on art and ecology,
- with artists and their works
- www.avant-guardians.com (06/09/2011)
- Beyond Green. toward a sustainable art, exhibition e-catalog,
- Smart Museum of Art, Chicago, 2005
- smartmuseum.uchicago.edu/about/publications/assets/Beyond_Green_ebook.pdf
- (06/09/2011)
- Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison, Environmental & Ecological Artists
- theharrisonstudio.net
- Prinzessinnengärten Urban Agriculture , Berlin, Germany
- prinzessinnengarten.net/about (06/09/2011)
- lecture
- Right to the City and to the Land. art, public space and activism
- Tuesday July 26, 2011
- Right to the City Movement
- Henri Lefčbvre: The Urban Revolution, 1970
- David Harvey: The Right To The City, New Left Review 53, 2008
- www.newleftreview.org/?view=2740 (06/09/2011)
- Jean Baudrillard: Kool Killer, or the Insurrection of Signs, 1975
- Kool Killer pdf (French -> English)
- Right to the City Congress, 2011 in Hamburg
- kongress.rechtaufstadt.net (German -> English; 06/09/2011)
- Reclaiming citizenship in Ghana
- Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI)
- sdinet.org/documents/doc1.htm (06/09/2011)
- About mission, goals and activities of
- The Ghana Homeless People's Federation (GHPF)
- People's Dialogue on Human Settlements (PD)
- Afiah Afenah: (Re)claiming Citizenship Rights in Accra, Ghana. Community mobilization against the illegal forced eviction of residents in the Old Fadama settlement, 2010
- base.d-p-h.info/fr/fiches/dph/fiche-dph-8430.html (06/09/2011)
- Demolishing of Agbogbloshie railway slum is a violation of theri rights as citizens -
- Amnesty International blurts out, 2010
- www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=176440479047232&comments (06/09/2011)
- Isaac Yeboah: Amnesty, WISEEP plead humanised evictions at Agbogbloshie,
- Modern Ghana 2010
- www.modernghana.com/news/308023/1/amnesty-wiseep-plead-humanised-evictions-at-agbogb.html (06/09/2011)
- Agbogbloshie slum dwellers threaten naked demonstration, Joy News 2010
- www.adomonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4511:
- agbogbloshie-slum-dwellers-threaten-naked-demonstration&catid=25:general
- &Itemid=233 (06/09/2011)
- Masahudu Ankiilu Kunateh, Stephen Odoi-Larbi: Forced evictions dent Ghana's Human Rights image, The Chronicle 2011
- The Chronicle (06/09/2011)
- 6,000 To Lose Houses As KMA Demolishes 2 Settlements,
- The Ghanain Times/Modern Ghana 2006
- www.modernghana.com/news/100706/1/6000-to-lose-houses-as-kma-demolishes-2-settlement.html (06/09/2011)
- Karen, Tatiana Montiel Lopez: Financing housing improvements in slum communities
- in Ghana: The case of the Kumasi Metropolis, KNUST College of Architecture and
- Planning, 2011
- dspace.knust.edu.gh/dspace/handle/123456789/2210 (06/09/2011)
- Projects
- Abahlali baseMjodolo Movement, Durban, South Africa
- www.abahlali.org (06/09/2011)
- Anti-Privatisation Forum, South Africa
- apf.org.za/spip.php?article2&lang=en (06/09/2011)
- Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee SECC, Johannesburg, South Africa
- libcom.org/community-struggles-in-south-africa-1994-2004 (06/09/2011)
- www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=11501 (06/09/2011)
- Salvem El Cabanyal/Cabanyal Open Doors, Valencia, Spain
- www.cabanyal.com (06/09/2011)
- Our Treasure - The Market, Hunyadi Market in Budapest, Hungary
- kek.org.hu/piac/en/kincsunk-a-piac-hunyadi-square
- Art projects
- Re-Painting The Red
- In: digital catalog Kumasi Crossroads - global kiosk affairs,
- Kumasi Symposium "Tapping Local Resources for Sustainable Education through Art", 2009 www.wandsbektransformance.de/news.html (06/09/2011)
- afrika-hamburg.de
- about colonial monuments and cultures of remembrance, Hamburg, Germany
- www.afrika-hamburg.de (06/09/2011)
- wandsbektransformance. The Colonial in the Present
- colonial vestiges in urban space, Hamburg, Germany
- www.wandsbektransformance.de (06/09/2011)
- Park Fiction, Hamburg, Germany
- www.parkfiction.org/2006/01/112.html (06/09/2011)
- Chto Delat? What Is To Be Done?, St. Petersburg, Russia
- www.chtodelat.org (06/09/2011)
- Sarai Media Lab/Cyber Mohalla, New Delhi/India
- www.sarai.net (06/09/2011)
- Ala Plastica, La Plata, Argentina
- www.alaplastica.org.ar/grafica/ingbrief.pdf (06/09/2011)
- Border Arts Workshop BAW/TAF in Maclovio Rojas/Borderhack, Tijuana, Mexiko
- www.borderartworkshop.com (06/09/2011)
- Cantieri Isola and Office for Urban Transformation OUT , Milan, Italy
- www.officeforurbantransformation.org/# (06/09/2011)
- Superflex, Denmark
- www.superflex.net (06/09/2011)
- story telling workshop
- Sasabonsam meets Tantalus. of bush spirits and vanadium heroes.
- exposure to natural sources in myths, narration and art
- Wednesday July 27, 2011
- Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison: Santa Fe Drain Basin:
- "Lessons from the Genius of Place", 2003-2008
- theharrisonstudio.net/?page_id=341
- Italo Calvino: Invisible Cities, Novel, 1972
- contact & credits | disclaimer