- n e w s
- FOCUS Fashion School in Ayigya
- neighbours and artists for sustainable micro projects
- more >
- zongo. caravans of hope
- Installation by HMJokinen
- Kunsthaus Hamburg
- Klosterwall 15
- Hamburg, Germany
- more >
- About the health risks and environmental problems of illegal e-waste imports from wealthy countries to Ghana
- Mit dem Elektroschrott nach Ghana by HMJokinen
- (With e-waste to Ghana; in German)
- describing the way e-waste finds its way from Hamburgs harbour to Old Fadama
- taz nord, 05/25 and 26/2013
- The central role of Hamburg's harbour in illegal e-waste exports
- and the new European law
- Europa entdeckt die wertvollen Rohstoffe im Schrott
- (Europe discovers the precious metals in waste; in German)
- Hamburger Abendblatt, 01/20/2012
- Workshop held on e-waste imports
- Daily Graphic, Ghana, 08/01/2011
- 'We even pay for this junk'
- The African Times, a monthly newspaper from Germany, 2011
- E-waste piles up in Ghana, despite international controls
- Deutsche Welle, 06/29/2011
- Developed Countries Must Stop e-Waste Dumping
- Daily Graphic, Ghana, 10/4/2010
- Der Müll, die Moneten und die Mafia (The Waste, the Money, the Mafia; in German),
- mare online, April 2009
- Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground (film)
- Frontline World, 06/23/2009
- Electronic Waste in Ghana
- Greenpeace film, you tube, 08/04/2008
- Alternative solutions:
- Socio-economic assessment and feasibility study
- on sustainable e-waste management in Ghana