Ayigya-Zongo Hia Nsuo (Ayigya-Zongo Needs Water)
Ralitsa Diana Debrah, 2011
The gated campus of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology KNUST and the shack settlement Ayigya-Zongo are neighbours, divided only by a highway. Many Ayigya residents work as food vendors, cleaning staff or security personnel on the campus, and students as well as  the university staff may find accomodation  in Ayigya, so the members of the two communities meet day by day. Yet, very few students and university employees are aware of the fundamental challenges their neighbours face. For example, clean drinking water in Ayigya-Zongo is only available through private companies, and for the poor there is no access to affordable clean water at all, but only to dirty and unhygienic well water.
The artist accompanies three women on their strenuous walk through the neighbourhood to this far away well, filled with bog water. On their way they tell stories about their daily struggle for water.
Debrah would like to express profound gratitude to Adiza Bukari, Abiba Bukari and Mariatu Yusif for their co-operation for this film. 

Ayigya-Zongo Hia Nsuo
(Ayigya-Zongo Needs Water)
by Ralitsa Diana Debrah, 2011
on Vimeo (18 min.)
English subtitels


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